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Showing posts from 2018

30 Day Photo Challenge

Day 1: Self-Portrait Day 2: What you wore today Day 3: Clouds Day 4: Something green Day 5: Morning Sky Day 6: From a low angle (worm's eye view) Day 7: Fruit Day 8: A bad habit Day 9: Someone you love Day 10: Childhood memory Day 11: Something blue Day 12: Sunset Day 13: Yourself with 13 things Day 14: Eyes Day 15: Silhouette Day 16: Long exposure Day 17: Technology Day 18: Your shoes Day 19: Something orange Day 20: Bokeh Day 21: Faceless self-portrait Day 22: Hands Day 23: Sunflare Day 24:...

Albrecht Dürer Assignment

This is a Albrecht Dürer inspired project. I took a picture of a shark and filtered it with a sketch filter. I filled the background with a Dürer type look.

Edward Gorey Assignment

I made a Edward Gorey type project by using the cutout tool.

Celebrity Coloring Book Page

This is a trace over of Danny DeVito. First I found a picture to trace over then I copied it to photoshop and drew over it.

Cartoon Yourself Assignment

For this project I took a picture of myself then traced over it.

Cartoon Version of Masterpiece

         For my Cartoon version of masterpiece project I chose "Dog" by Keith Haring and re-created the piece as Scoobydoo from the show Scooby-doo.

The Scream

I recreated "The Scream" by Edvard Munch and added a twist to it by tracing it and making it an alien. For part two I added my face.

Mona Lisa

I made an FBI Mona Lisa for the project. I started of by tracing the original Mona Lisa to get the outline of my drawing. Then I colored it using the "fill tool" and other various tools. Then I added FBI hat, and the coat as well to finish the project.